Grasmere - Patterdale 12km (69km total)
Yes, today was designated the wussy day - even though it was intended to be the biggest climb of the walk, up to St.Sundays Crag.
The day started with a very satisfactory lie-in, getting up at around 9am. We decided that we were going for 'The Whole Hog'. Not only were we confident that we would make the whole journey, bet we decided that we would treat ourselves to breakfast at 'The Piggy In The Middle' restaurant - and it certainly was the whole hog. Bacon, sausage, steak - not to mention egg, beans and chips. Plus veggie alternatives for Mick.
Yes, we started our walk at 11.30am with no intention of eating lunch due to the size (and lateness) of the breakfast. The weather was sunny with a cold wind - prime sunburn weather - as we headed up towards Grizedale Tarn, 'summitting' around 1.30pm.

A nice sit in the sun for a Mars Bar and a swig of water was had, then we set off up St Sunday's Crag. Good views were to be had in all directions, hence Ed stopping every 2 minutes and requesting someone to retrieve his camera from his rucksack!
The summit of St Sunday's provided another suitable sunbathing spot before dropping down into Patterdale.
We stopped by at the Post Office for provisions for tomorrow (and an ice cream) before going to the pub. One pint later we staggered off to find the YHA...
After dinner at the hostel (Cumberland Sausage for the 3rd time in 3 meals!) Martin retired to the dorm. Thinking himself alone, apart from Ed who doesn't count, he decided to "let one rip". And rip it did - right into the face of the bloke asleep on Martin's bottom bunk... Well, at least it didn't smel...
As we sit here in the pub we are realising that our patchy red and white bodies are due to uneven spread of suncream. Amazingly, if you dab suncream on one part of your arm / knee / face, it stays white, whilst all around goes PINK!! As Martin observed - "We're not very good at suncream are we"..... honestly, blokes.
QUOTES: "Who's going to join me in the shower?" Mick
NEUGH POINTS: "They've crosswired the speakers and cancelled the vocals" Ed. "Oh really" we replied...
Grasmere - Patterdale 12km (69km total)
Yes, today was designated the wussy day - even though it was intended to be the biggest climb of the walk, up to St.Sundays Crag.
The day started with a very satisfactory lie-in, getting up at around 9am. We decided that we were going for 'The Whole Hog'. Not only were we confident that we would make the whole journey, bet we decided that we would treat ourselves to breakfast at 'The Piggy In The Middle' restaurant - and it certainly was the whole hog. Bacon, sausage, steak - not to mention egg, beans and chips. Plus veggie alternatives for Mick.
Yes, we started our walk at 11.30am with no intention of eating lunch due to the size (and lateness) of the breakfast. The weather was sunny with a cold wind - prime sunburn weather - as we headed up towards Grizedale Tarn, 'summitting' around 1.30pm.

A nice sit in the sun for a Mars Bar and a swig of water was had, then we set off up St Sunday's Crag. Good views were to be had in all directions, hence Ed stopping every 2 minutes and requesting someone to retrieve his camera from his rucksack!
The summit of St Sunday's provided another suitable sunbathing spot before dropping down into Patterdale.
We stopped by at the Post Office for provisions for tomorrow (and an ice cream) before going to the pub. One pint later we staggered off to find the YHA...
After dinner at the hostel (Cumberland Sausage for the 3rd time in 3 meals!) Martin retired to the dorm. Thinking himself alone, apart from Ed who doesn't count, he decided to "let one rip". And rip it did - right into the face of the bloke asleep on Martin's bottom bunk... Well, at least it didn't smel...
As we sit here in the pub we are realising that our patchy red and white bodies are due to uneven spread of suncream. Amazingly, if you dab suncream on one part of your arm / knee / face, it stays white, whilst all around goes PINK!! As Martin observed - "We're not very good at suncream are we"..... honestly, blokes.
QUOTES: "Who's going to join me in the shower?" Mick
NEUGH POINTS: "They've crosswired the speakers and cancelled the vocals" Ed. "Oh really" we replied...
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