Sunday, 16 November 2008

Annual Meal - May 16 1998

This annual Hiking Club event was held at the Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. The Smeggies booked a table and Martin, Geoff, Steve, Mick, Gwyn, Helen and Rich Gav all turned out - as well as Louise and Vicki Wetherall. Tony and Dean were also present but are listed in the book as "Not on our table: Tony (committee traitor) The hardest man in England. Dean (on the brummy table)"

Ewen is in America which we all agree is quite a good excuse by his standards (which are high - on the excuse front)

Quote: Helen Robertson 2Hello Geoff, I haven't seen you for ages, how are you? I've been around a bit."

The Evening In Abbreviated Format:
Martin got an award for speeding in Skye. Mick and Jo gatecrashed a wedding and met a very nice student called Nicola from Newcastle Uni. Geoff, Rich, Mick and Dean obtained some smashing new cummerbunds courtesy of the curtain tie-backs. Party continued at Phil and Jo's house after midnight where we drank lots of Boddingtons then got chucked out by Phil for being too noisy. Martin disappeared into the wild blue yonder with Heather (next year's Pres. apparantly) and the rest of us went to the Shabs with our beer and a box of wine at about 3am.

We have decided unanimously that the next Smeggie party will be at Ewen's house. That way he has to come. (We will be informing him of this as soon as we find out where the blooming hell he is living now)

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