Sunday, 16 November 2008

Coast To Coast Day 10 - The Final Leg


Day 10 - Grosmont - Robin Hood's Bay

At last, the final stretch. The day opened with a climb out of Grosmont and a first view of Whitby and te North Sea. We split the day into sections with Eddie, Martin and Jane all walking for some of the day. As Eddie's car was following us on our journey I was relieved of my rucksack, much to the surprise of fellow coast to coasters who had previously seen me fully laden and alone.

The last ten days had seen coast, the mountains of Lakeland, limestone pavements, the peaty moorland of Nine Standards, the sheep and stiles of Swaledale, the flat plain and long slog across the Vale of York, and the escarpment of the North York Moors, not to mention much more besides.
Now, after 190 miles it was back to coast walking again for the last few miles back to Robin Hood's Bay.

Once we arrived we headed straight through the main street to the sea. Fortunately the tide was in, which saved a few extra paces. I threw my pebble I had been carrying since St Bees (my bit to stop erosion of this part of the coastline). As I posed at the water's edge for a victorious photograph I managed to get very wet feet as the inevitable tidal wave washed above my gaiterless boot line. I screamed, much to the amusement of nearby pubgoers.

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